Pope Francis’ Lent Message 2021

Those who have known me over the years will know that I have never been wedded to one denomination.  I have always believed that each branch of the church has things to teach us.  A few days ago I saw this English translation of Pope Francis’ Lent Message.  Although I come from traditions which don’tContinue reading “Pope Francis’ Lent Message 2021”

Kings Stanley Baptist Church Male Voice Choir

It was at KSBC that I spent my teenage years.  It was a typical village church, about 3 miles from where I lived. The church had a tradition of singing.  The was the Male Voice Choir and the Ladies’ Choir who both went out to other churches in the area, and the Mixed Choir whoContinue reading “Kings Stanley Baptist Church Male Voice Choir”

Prayer Shawls and Other Things

One American custom many UK knitters have embraced is the idea of prayer shawls.  The idea is that they are made for a specific person, and you think about, and pray for, that person as you knit.  The finished shawl gives the recipient a special hug every time it is worn. A few years agoContinue reading “Prayer Shawls and Other Things”